Thursday, March 5, 2020

8 Easy Meals to Make in the Dorms

8 Easy Meals to Make in the Dorms 2. French Toast Pretty simple concept here as well: all you need is eggs and bread. A classic breakfast dish that is super simple to make? You got it. I personally used thicker bread to give it more of a hearty feel along with sprinkling in some cinnamon and nutmeg to the egg mixture. It will add a nice spice to pair great with the hearty French toast drizzled in syrup. My mouth is watering already! 3. Microwave Mac and Cheese Luckily this can be made in about five minutes! All you’ll need is some elbow macaroni, water, milk, cheese, and access to a microwave. Use about a third of a cup of macaroni, add in three-fourths of a cup of water, and cook for about three and a half minutes. Dump out any excess water and then pour in a few tablespoons of milk and a few tablespoons of shredded cheddar cheese. Microwave for a minute and then you have yourself a warm and cheesy microwave cup of mac. Sprinkle some breadcrumbs on top as well for some added flare. 4. Cream of Chicken Soup with Rice One of my personal favorites. A quick can of cream of chicken soup combined with some leftover rice made previously can create a deliciously hearty meal that will warm you up in an instant. Follow the directions on the can to make the soup and then sprinkle in a couple spoonfuls of rice at your discretion to create the perfect bowl of soup. 5. Salmon Now you might be thinking, “I do not know how to cook salmon and I don’t really want to risk it.” Do not worry! You are a college student with access to a microwave so you will be just fine! This recipe is as simple as 1-2-3 and can be done in under five minutes. Mix a teaspoon each of olive oil and lime juice with quarter teaspoons of salt and pepper, then with two teaspoons of honey. Drizzle it over the salmon, cover, and cook on medium power and in three minutes you’ll have wonderfully tasty salmon. 6. Tuna Salad Sandwich Another great sandwich that is chock full of protein is a tuna salad sandwich. Simply combine a can of tuna, mayonnaise, some lettuce, and slather it on some bread and have yourself a tasty tuna treat. Toast the bread to add some texture to your sandwich and include celery as well if available. 7. Oatmeal Whether for breakfast or on the go, oatmeal is a great meal that will keep you full of energy throughout the day. The great thing about oatmeal prep is that it is quick, easy, and fast. While instant oatmeal might seem a bit dull, spice it up by adding some spice. Add some brown sugar or cinnamon to add some sweetness. In addition, chop up your favorite fruit for a fresh, healthy option. From apples to blueberries and bananas to cherries, oatmeal is a fresh, healthy dish that can be whipped up in a flash. 8. Popcorn Grab a jar of kernels, pop them in the microwave and in no time you can have a delicious air-popped snack. Try and stay away from the prepackaged products that contain too much butter, salt, or fat. Instead, opt for air-popping kernels that you can season yourself to make a much healthier, tastier snack.

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